Hello Everyone, Rise here with a new blog entry. Last night, we officially released our new single “So Many Tears” feat. Mimmi. With the song “So Many Tears,” we wanted to paint a vivid picture of the real life suffering that one family has had to endure due to the terrible persecution of Falun Gong practitioners happening in China today. The powerful, yet emotional and heart touching instrumentation that Direction created for the song, along with the very beautiful melodies and singing by Mimmi, laid the foundation for me to paint the picture with words. The story begins with a woman’s courageous decision to leave her home to travel to Beijing in order to peacefully appeal for Falun Gong practitioners’ right to practice their faith without being viscously persecuted by the Chinese communist regime. In the song, I mention how this courageous woman was illegally arrested and taken to a detention center where she was tortured and force fed before eventually being released. At the end of the first verse, I said, “she refused to be weak for the 610 police (a vicious special government task force put together by the CCP specifically for the purpose of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners) Falun Dafa is good she would calmly speak.” Refusing to waiver in her righteous belief, and while facing the constant threat of torture, the woman calmly maintains her resolve to practice Falun Gong. In the second verse, the story takes the listener through the horrific experience of the women’s second illegal arrest for practicing Falun Gong. This time, in 2009, the woman was four months pregnant when she was detained and tortured. Tragically, at the end of the song, the women’s baby was born covered with blisters resulting from poisonous water the woman was given during her illegal detention. Terribly, the baby died from the wicked treatment the mother was subjected to while pregnant in prison. This song is based on a true story and comes straight from our hearts. We sincerely encourage everyone to listen to “So Many Tears” and help us raise awareness by sharing the song with your family and friends on social media. Until next time. Rise ! “This painting illustrates one of the most common and dangerous forms of abuse Falun Gong adherents are regularly subjected to.”
“Force-feeding is a torture method that labor camp staff often use on Falun Gong practitioners, particularly on those who have staged hunger strikes to protest their unlawful detention. However, it is certainly not an attempt to nourish or feed; rather, it is a brutal procedure that has resulted in at least 100 deaths. The force-feeding is most often carried out by labour camp staff with no medical training, or by criminal inmates who are coerced to assist. Firm, unsanitized tubes are forced into a practitioner’s nose and into the stomach, often rupturing or damaging tissues; sometimes the tube enters the lungs instead. The tubes are sometimes left in a practitioner’s stomach for days or weeks, causing severe infections, or pulled out and reinserted repeatedly. The practitioners are often “fed” irritants such as highly concentrated salt water, hot pepper oil, boiling water, detergent, or human excrement.” -Picture and text from: http://www.faluninfo.net/gallery/12/?page=5
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