![]() Good Evening Everyone, I hope you are all having a great and productive week so far! Today’s new #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions song is a special one that reflects on a trip overseas that I made many years ago. In a previous blog entry, I think I mentioned that I did a study abroad semester in Cairo, Egypt. As awe-inspiring as the ancient sites and structures were, just as amazing and wonderful were the people that I encountered, particularly in Aswan of southern Egypt and in the Sinai Peninsula up north. The kindness and traditional hospitality that I was shown there was something that I have always remembered and has found its way into a new #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions song. “Good food, Sharing stories under the desert moon, Traditional tea, served in the heat of June…” “All of mankind, We are brethren…” – “Nubians & Bedouins” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy. Kind Regards, Rise **Image Credit: Ali Hegazy **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions Disclaimer: I am not classically nor traditionally trained in music composition or arrangement and by no means should any of my music, and particularly the #MTSTP Beautiful Sound Traditions series, be considered, referred to, or confused with REAL traditional or classical music. Please make no mistake, the #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions series is only a personal reflection of my love for the traditional, classical and ethnic sounds in music and a means to help encourage those who have developed an intimate connection with our blog to go and experience true, well-defined, developed and timeless traditional music and culture.
Good Evening Everyone, I hope you are enjoying your weekend! Today’s new #MTSTPBlog song is entitled “Joyful In Trying Times” and I hope it can be an inspiration to someone going through their trials and tribulations in life. “Troubles never get you down, Somehow you face them with a smile, Always see the silver line, Joyful in trying times…” – “Joyful In Trying Times” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Zack Lucero via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples ![]() Good Afternoon Everyone, I hope you are all having a wonderful day! Today I’m releasing the latest #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions song entitled “Sacred Voyage.” I hope this song serves as a solemn reminder that, in many ways, we are all on a sacred voyage, a sojourn from above. “Hearing The Creator’s call, you came…” “Eons in this maze, On a voyage shrouded with haze, A testament to your bravery, cause you made it to this stage…” – “Sacred Voyage” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy! Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Dominik Schröder via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions Disclaimer: I am not classically nor traditionally trained in music composition or arrangement and by no means should any of my music, and particularly the #MTSTP Beautiful Sound Traditions series, be considered, referred to, or confused with REAL traditional or classical music. Please make no mistake, the #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions series is only a personal reflection of my love for the traditional, classical and ethnic sounds in music and a means to help encourage those who have developed an intimate connection with our blog to go and experience true, well-defined, developed and timeless traditional music and culture.
Hello Everyone, I hope you are all enjoying a fantastic weekend! This week’s new #MTSTPBlog song is entitled “A New Beginning” and it is an ode to fresh starts and hope. “Those hopeless days are ending, A Time to begin mending, Now you can start a new beginning…” – “A New Beginning” by Rise-Ascend I hope you enjoy. Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Kylo via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples ![]() Good Morning Everyone, I hope you all enjoyed a great weekend. This week’s new #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions song is entitled “Returning To Traditional Values.” “Without faith in the divine, Mankind slides down, See for yourself, Take a moment and look around…” – Returning To Traditional Values” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy! Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Jon Tyson via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions Disclaimer: I am not classically nor traditionally trained in music composition or arrangement and by no means should any of my music, and particularly the #MTSTP Beautiful Sound Traditions series, be considered, referred to, or confused with REAL traditional or classical music. Please make no mistake, the #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions series is only a personal reflection of my love for the traditional, classical and ethnic sounds in music and a means to help encourage those who have developed an intimate connection with our blog to go and experience true, well-defined, developed and timeless traditional music and culture.
Hello Again Everyone, I hope your week is off to a wonderful start! In an effort to continue providing you with great exclusive music that encourages you to visit #MTSTPBlog on a regular basis for inspiration, here is another brand new song entitled “Been Looking.” Among many young people across all ethnicities and nationalities, there is a sense of searching for something more significant, a search for truth. “Tired of the meaningless, Tired of the banter, Looking for some truth, You've been hoping for some candor…” – “Been Looking” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Éva Balogh via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples ![]() Good Morning Everyone! I hope you are all off to a fantastic weekend. As I may have mentioned before, I was born in Denver, Colorado and sometimes you can hear that rustic mountain sound come through the music. Recently, a friend made a song and video that reminded me of my Rocky Mountain roots and although my family left Colorado when I was very young, I still have some great memories of my early life there. This week’s new #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions song is inspired by my personal life experiences back in Colorado, up in the mountains on family vacations. “Reminds me of days, When we were younger, Trips down the road…” – “Rocky Mountain Banjo” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Luca Bravo via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions Disclaimer: I am not classically nor traditionally trained in music composition or arrangement and by no means should any of my music, and particularly the #MTSTP Beautiful Sound Traditions series, be considered, referred to, or confused with REAL traditional or classical music. Please make no mistake, the #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions series is only a personal reflection of my love for the traditional, classical and ethnic sounds in music and a means to help encourage those who have developed an intimate connection with our blog to go and experience true, well-defined, developed and timeless traditional music and culture.
Experience Rise-Ascend’s new cinematic music videos on the best platform: