![]() Good morning everyone, I hope you are all looking forward to the weekend. This week’s new #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions song is entitled “Riding On The Wind.” “Wind at your back, You’re gliding through the sandstorm, No compromising what you stand for…” “Riding on the winds like you’re on a steed, Returning to your values and morality…” – “Riding On The Wind” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Cayetano Gil via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions Disclaimer: I am not classically nor traditionally trained in music composition or arrangement and by no means should any of my music, and particularly the #MTSTP Beautiful Sound Traditions series, be considered, referred to, or confused with REAL traditional or classical music. Please make no mistake, the #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions series is only a personal reflection of my love for the traditional, classical and ethnic sounds in music and a means to help encourage those who have developed an intimate connection with our blog to go and experience true, well-defined, developed and timeless traditional music and culture.
Good evening everyone, I hope you are all doing wonderful and enjoying a great and productive week, so far. Tonight I’m releasing the latest #MTSTPBlog song entitled “The Gate Is Still Open.” “The gate is still wide open…” “This opportunity, In ancient times, It was spoken…” – “The Gate Is Still Open” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy! Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Benjamin Voros via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples ![]() Good morning everyone, I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend. Here is a brand new #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions song entitled “Your Ancient Song.” Most people still have their ancient song deep down in their hearts – even if they haven’t sung it in ages. “Quietly humming to yourself solemnly…” “The goodness within still guides you, Beautiful ancient melodies mesmerize you…” “When the melodies play, In your heart, you still recall your ancient song…” – “Your Ancient Song” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Annie Spratt via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions Disclaimer: I am not classically nor traditionally trained in music composition or arrangement and by no means should any of my music, and particularly the #MTSTP Beautiful Sound Traditions series, be considered, referred to, or confused with REAL traditional or classical music. Please make no mistake, the #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions series is only a personal reflection of my love for the traditional, classical and ethnic sounds in music and a means to help encourage those who have developed an intimate connection with our blog to go and experience true, well-defined, developed and timeless traditional music and culture.
Good morning everyone, I hope you are all enjoying a great and productive week. Today I’m releasing the latest #MTSTPBlog song entitled “Be Alright.” “Be Alright” is an introspective song of encouragement for anyone out there who may need it. “Bow my head in respect, Press my hands together near my heart [be]cause I know that it will be alright…” – “Be Alright” by Rise-Ascend I hope you enjoy. Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Felix Mittermeier via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples ![]() Good morning everyone! I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful Saturday! Today I’m releasing a brand new #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions song entitled “The Walk Back To Tradition.” I really hope you are beginning to enjoy this series more and more as it grows and develops over time. “Don’t follow demons down a road to the Red Terror, Walking back to tradition surely corrects the error…” “Foolish to think evil will win, So we know better, With goodness in your heart, Righteousness forever…” – “The Walk Back To Tradition” by Rise-Ascend Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: eberhard grossgasteiger via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions Disclaimer: I am not classically nor traditionally trained in music composition or arrangement and by no means should any of my music, and particularly the #MTSTP Beautiful Sound Traditions series, be considered, referred to, or confused with REAL traditional or classical music. Please make no mistake, the #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions series is only a personal reflection of my love for the traditional, classical and ethnic sounds in music and a means to help encourage those who have developed an intimate connection with our blog to go and experience true, well-defined, developed and timeless traditional music and culture.
Good evening everyone, I hope you all had a great day! Here is a brand new #MTSTPBlog song entitled “A Moment To Remember.” The title of this song has a double meaning because sometimes you need to take a moment to remember and it may just turn out that that very moment becomes one that you always remember. “So take a moment to remember yours, Your promise to return home to the shore, Maybe you don’t think about it anymore, But your purpose still resides deep in your core…” – “A Moment To Remember” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Joshua Earle via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples ![]() Hello Everyone, I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! This week’s new #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions song is a song that raises awareness about the ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. The song is entitled “Courage On The Central Plains” and it is based on the true story of a young teenage boy who has lost his father due to the brutal persecution and his mother has also been imprisoned numerous times because she also refuses to renounce her faith in Falun Dafa. “A young boy lost his dad, Murdered because of the faith that he had…” “Stories that live on and tell, How good shall endure and prevail, Their blood is on the Central Plains, Their courage shall always remain…” – “Courage On The Central Plains” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Elliot Banks **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions Disclaimer: I am not classically nor traditionally trained in music composition or arrangement and by no means should any of my music, and particularly the #MTSTP Beautiful Sound Traditions series, be considered, referred to, or confused with REAL traditional or classical music. Please make no mistake, the #MTSTPBlog Beautiful Sound Traditions series is only a personal reflection of my love for the traditional, classical and ethnic sounds in music and a means to help encourage those who have developed an intimate connection with our blog to go and experience true, well-defined, developed and timeless traditional music and culture.
Hello Everyone, I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Tonight I’m releasing a brand new #MTSTPBlog song entitled “A Sense of Clarity.” This song follows a recurring theme in my music: calming the mind and taking a moment to reflect on life and why we are here. “When they hear the call they’ve been waiting on, Then they have a sudden sense of clarity…” “The path will appear, When you ponder the Divine…” – “A Sense of Clarity” by Rise-Ascend I hope you all enjoy! Kind regards, Rise **Image Credit: Garrett Sears via Unsplash.com **Contains some lawfully licensed royalty-free samples |
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