Hello Everyone, We are happy to bring you a new collaborative song entitled “Millions of Signatures,” featuring our friend Katy Mantyk. Katy is an exceptional singer/songwriter and a member of the Folk band The Good Seeds. Her willingness and enthusiasm with respect to working on this collaborative song was very inspiring for me and we were able to develop the song fairly quickly. The song is about the growing tide of people all over the world signing their names to petitions in support of ending the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and ending the practice of organ harvesting by the Chinese communist regime. An excerpt from an article I read recently really sums up the idea of the song: “One woman initially said she never signed petitions on the street. But when a practitioner told her about the severe persecution and organ harvesting, she changed her mind. “Please give me a form. I have to sign this petition,” she said with conviction.” – Regensburg, Germany: Learning about Ancient Chinese Meditation in an Old German City – en.minghui.org We hope you enjoy “Millions of Signatures” featuring Katy Mantyk. Also, please make sure you check out Katy’s new song “History” on the MTSTP Blog as well. Rise
Hello Again Everyone,
At the very core of our website/blog is sharing our music and helping to expose and end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. In light of that, we feel it is very important that we share with our readers, listeners and followers, what may be one of the most significant revelations this year. According to a new report, potentially, up to 1.5 MILLION people have been killed by the Chinese communist regime for their organs – with most of those people believed to be Falun Gong practitioners. Please take a moment to read the article. Image from The Epoch Times website Sincerely, Rise Hello Everyone, I would like to share a song from our friend Katy Mantyk. I try to reserve the word classic for compositions that truly merit the designation (in my humble opinion). That said, this song entitled “History” is so skillfully and soulfully written and performed that I imagine it will certainly stand the test of time. The song speaks to Katy’s personal experience and is still remarkably relatable, especially with respect to those who may have experienced the challenges of having a loved one suffer from Alzheimer’s. Hope you enjoy! Rise Hi Everyone, We are happy to bring you a new collaborative song entitled “Hoping You Choose Well.” On this effort, Bill, from Athens, Greece, leads the way and provides some insight regarding his inspiration for writing the song: "People today are influenced by many confusing things and a lot of complicated stuff. The good and the bad are mixed together and it is difficult to recognize. I was inspired to write these lyrics after seeing many people nowadays, practicing the goodness in their life and changing their way of thinking to a selfless person. The song is also inspired by a hope for all those who are still lost in the society of materialism to finally find the true meaning of life and live with compassion, which is a fundamental element of human race." – Bill Hope you enjoy! Rise Hello Everyone,
Aton recently had the opportunity to meet and greet the community during Memorial Day Weekend in Atlanta. He shared the music of Music To Stop The Persecution with many people and discussed our mission with them as well. Here is what Aton had to say: “We connected with many beautiful souls @ The Jazz Festival in Piedmont Park.” – Aton Check out some of the pictures from his experience. |
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