Hello Everyone, I hope you are all doing very well, and enjoying the weekend. Here is the latest MTSTPBlog song for you entitled, “A King’s Dream.” It is a humble song that pays homage to the great Martin Luther King Jr. “Let’s judge each other by the content, We are all God’s people, to be honest…” – “A King’s Dream” by Rise-Ascend As a special feature, I am sharing an article from en.minghui.org titled, ‘Compassion From the Heart Can Change Everything.’ I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise ‘Compassion From the Heart Can Change Everything,’ an article from en.minghui.org
Hello Everyone,
I would like to dedicate an MTSTPBlog post to commemorating a very special appeal that took place twenty-two years ago on April 25, 1999. “Twenty-two years ago, about 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners staged a peaceful appeal outside the State Council’s Appeals Office in Beijing on April 25, 1999, requesting the release of dozens of practitioners arrested in Tianjin for the previous two days (April 23-24), and calling for an environment where Falun Gong could be freely practiced and its books published.” – an excerpt from en.minghui.org article, ‘Witness Recounts April 25, 1999, Appeal and Preceding Events.’ I kindly encourage all of our friends and followers of the MTSTPBlog to take a moment to read this very insightful and informative article in its entirety. Kind regards, Rise Hello again Everyone, I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend. Here is the latest MTSTPBlog song for you, and I hope you find it inspiring. This song is entitled, “Light On Your Feet.” “I know you have come a long way for the message, I know you have walked a long way for the righteous…” "Light-footed and we [are] beaming, spreading goodness, every region" – “Light On Your Feet” by Rise-Ascend As a special feature, I am sharing an article from en.minghui.org titled, ‘A Young Woman from Mozart’s Hometown Returns to Falun Dafa.’ I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise ‘A Young Woman from Mozart’s Hometown Returns to Falun Dafa,’ an article from en.minghui.org Hello Everyone, I hope you are all enjoying a fantastic day. Here is a new MTSTPBlog song for you entitled, “Searching.” “How much time and energy have you spent searching, searching…” – “Searching” by Rise-Ascend As special features, I am sharing an article from en.minghui.org titled, ‘New York: Hundreds Quit the CCP During Parade to Commemorate Anniversary of April 25 Appeal,’ and a video from Gothix's YouTube channel titled, 'Surviving Communism - A Conversation with Lily Tang Williams.' I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise ‘New York: Hundreds Quit the CCP During Parade to Commemorate Anniversary of April 25 Appeal,’ an article from en.minghui.org Hello Everyone, I hope you are all feeling good, and enjoying a beautiful weekend. Here is an brand new MTSTPBlog song for you entitled, “Dear Gen. Lost,.” “You wonder when you lost your way, When happiness seems so far away…” – “Dear Gen. Lost,” by Rise-Ascend As special features, I’m sharing an article from en.minghui.org titled, ‘My Journey: Finding My Life’s Purpose,’ and the mini-documentary 'Defiance in the Kingdom of Fake News,' presented by the Falun Dafa Information Center. I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise ‘My Journey: Finding My Life’s Purpose,’ an article from en.minghui.org Hello Everyone, I hope you are all enjoying a great and productive week so far. Here is the latest MTSTPBlog song entitled, “When The Waves Are Crashing.” “You’ve been struggling with emotions, Now they’re crashing down like the ocean, You can use a little calm, a little peace, And some devotion…” – “When Waves Are Crashing” by Rise-Ascend As a special feature, I am sharing an article from en.minghui.org titled, ‘Young Falun Dafa Practitioner: Eliminating My Attachment to Ego.’ I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise ‘Young Falun Dafa Practitioner: Eliminating My Attachment to Ego,’ an article from en.minghui.orgHello Everyone, I hope you are all doing very well, and enjoying the weekend. Here is a new MTSTPBlog song for you entitled, “Listen To Your Heart.” “Listen to your heart, and hold on to your faith, When the evil shows up, no, you will not break…” – “Listen To Your Heart” by Rise-Ascend As a special feature, I am sharing an article from en.minghui.org titled, ‘How a German Youth Eliminated His Addiction to Video Games.’ I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise ‘How a German Youth Eliminated His Addiction to Video Games,’ an article from en.minghui.org Hello Everyone, I hope you are all enjoying a great and productive week so far. If you have been following my posts, you may remember my February 2, 2021 release, “Thoughts While Cruising.” Well, I thought it was time for the follow up to that song, so here is “Thoughts While Cruising Part 2.” “We can take a slow ride, and talk about the world we’re living in…” – “Thoughts While Cruising Part 2” by Rise-Ascend As a special feature, I am sharing an article from en.minghui.org titled, ‘A Young Artist’s Ever-Incomplete Family Portrait (Part 1 of 6).’ I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise ‘A Young Artist’s Ever-Incomplete Family Portrait (Part 1 of 6),’ an article from en.minghui.orgHappy Easter! I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful day. Here is a new MTSTPBlog song for you all, that I hope is very inspiring. This song is entitled “Running from Your Problems Is Not The Answer.” “All the superficial escapes, want to hand you your fate, We all make mistakes, but you should lean on your faith…” – “Running from Your Problems Is Not The Answer” As a special feature, I am sharing an article from en.minghui.org titled, ‘Young Practitioner Returns to Cultivation.' I hope you all enjoy. Kind regards, Rise ‘Young Practitioner Returns to Cultivation,' an article from en.minghui.org |
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